One month development game

I took a month to do this game and I'm proud of the systems for menus, star rating, game-saving, and spawning enemies system. They're all very simple, but I know that I can improve them in the next games.

I decided to make all the assets from scratch. I wanted to know how hard is to make each part of a game. The obvious result is bad art :D.
While your eyes bleed you don't have to worry about your ears. This time I used the unity asset store for music and sfx and that helped a lot (thanks humble bundle).

For the first time, I used bone animation and the results were pretty awful. Now I've learned the basics and on next games, I can focus on the key poses and doing a base sprite that, at least, match bone animation workflow.

Note for self: pixel art sprites DO NOT work well with bone animation.

Each small game I finish I understand more that games are about art. The code part is pretty much figured out and guides are plenty available on the web. Game design is a bit harder, but there are so many games and different genres that can serve as inspiration that this also is not the problem, at least for now.

Well, this game as fun to make, lots of stuff I learned. I hope you enjoy it for a few minutes :)

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